




Your Domain Name Search has never been so easy. Find yours today by searching your brand name on search box and register your domain. 

It’s that simple! We have everything you need for your website like Hosting, Security and web development. You name it and we’ll get it done. Your One Stop pit stop for your Online presence.

Buy & Register Domain Names

Start your Website with Setup4 Today!

Benefits of Domain Name Registration

When you register a domain with us we include additional features, including


Secure your website with SSL. Let’s Encrypt your Website.


Protect your domain from any unauthorised transfers.

DNS Management

Take total control of DNS until life of your Domain registration.

Email Forwarding

Forward email addresses under your domain to other email address

Discover the very latest top level domains (TLDs) right here, and check out our upcoming releases too. You can register the freshest TLDs in the world, and be backed by our 24/7 customer support every step of the way. So, what are you waiting for? 

Save Money

Don't break the bank

With our affordable pricing and superior support, there’s no reason to overpay when buying a domain name.

Protect your domain from expiring and accidentally being lost by enabling auto-renewal. Switch back to manual renewal at anytime. Using this service ensures that your website domain names are always protected.

domain name search Australia
domain registration

Find your perfect domain

Your Domain is waiting

With our affordable pricing and superior support, there’s no reason to overpay when buying a domain name.

Protect your domain from expiring and accidentally being lost by enabling auto-renewal. Switch back to manual renewal at anytime. Using this service ensures that your website domain names are always protected.

domain name searching

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is a unique name used to identify a website or web page on the internet. It is an address that includes a top-level domain (TLD) such as .com, .net, and .org along with a second-level domain (SLD). For example, www.example.com has the TLD of “.com” and the SLD of “example”.

Domain names are typically used for websites and webpages, but can also be used with other services, such as email or internet protocol (IP) addresses. Domain names make it easier for users to find a website or web page by typing in a memorable name instead of a numerical IP address, which gets extremely complicated and hard to remember quickly.

The easiest way to understand a domain name is by imagining it as a house. Every house has an address that people use to identify it. A domain name is the exact same thing, only online. Domain names are almost always related to your brand or service, making it easy for people to remember and find your website.

At Setup4, we’re here to help you buy and register your domain name, and we’ll take care of the rest, saving you time and resources!

What Are The Different Types of Domain Names?

A domain name is a unique name used to identify a website or web page on the internet. It is an address that includes a top-level domain (TLD) such as .com, .net, and .org along with a second-level domain (SLD). For example, www.example.com has the TLD of “.com” and the SLD of “example”.

Domain names are typically used for websites and webpages, but can also be used with other services, such as email or internet protocol (IP) addresses. Domain names make it easier for users to find a website or web page by typing in a memorable name instead of a numerical IP address, which gets extremely complicated and hard to remember quickly.

The easiest way to understand a domain name is by imagining it as a house. Every house has an address that people use to identify it. A domain name is the exact same thing, only online. Domain names are almost always related to your brand or service, making it easy for people to remember and find your website.

At Setup4, we’re here to help you buy and register your domain name, and we’ll take care of the rest, saving you time and resources!


Top - Level Domains (TLDs)

These are the most common types of domain names and include generic TLDs (gTLDs) such as .com, .net, .org, and country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) such as .us, .uk, .au, .ca, etc.

Second - Level Domains (SLDs)

These are the next level of domain names, located to the left of the TLD. For example, in the domain name “example.com,” “example” is the SLD.


These are domain names that are created by adding a prefix to an existing domain name, separated by a period. For example, “blog.example.com” is a subdomain of “example.com.”

Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs)

These are domain names that use non-ASCII characters, such as accented letters or characters from non-Latin scripts.

Brand TLDs

These are domain extensions that are owned and operated by a specific brand or company. For example, .google and .apple are brand TLDs.

Sponsored TLDs

These are domain extensions that are sponsored by a particular organisation, such as .edu for educational institutions or .gov for government agencies.

Infrastructure TLDs: These are domain extensions used for infrastructure purposes, such as .arpa for the Address and Routing Parameter Area (ARPA) or .int for international organisations.

Which Type of Domain Name Should You Use If You're An Australian Business?

When it comes to selecting a domain name for your Australian business, the best option is to choose a .com.au or .net.au domain name. These two TLDs are specifically reserved for businesses in Australia and will help you establish a local and more authoritative, trustworthy presence online.

If the .com.au or .net.au domains are unavailable, you can also choose a generic TLD such as .com or .net. However, it’s important to remember that these TLDs are not specific to Australia and could potentially dilute your local presence.

Why Choose a Unique Domain Name?

Choosing a unique domain name for your website can have numerous benefits. It can help:

Create a strong brand identity

Improve your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO)

Increase credibility

Avoid trademark issues

Future-proof your website.

A unique domain name makes your website stand out and helps users to remember and find you more easily. It also shows that you are committed to your online presence and have invested resources in creating a professional website. Therefore, it’s important to choose a domain name that is relevant, unique, and not already in use by another business or organisation.

selecting unique domain name

How to Buy a Domain Name in Australia?

At Setup4, we make it easy to buy a domain name in Australia. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right TLD for your business
  2. Enter your desired domain name into our domain search bar
  3. Review and select any additional services you may need (such as web hosting)
  4. Complete your purchase through Setup4 ‘s secure checkout

Once you’ve completed these steps, Setup4 will take care of the rest and your domain name will be registered and set up in no time!

If you need help with buying a domain name in Australia or have any other questions, just get in touch with our friendly team. We’re here to help make the process of buying a domain name easy and stress-free. Email us at domains@staging.setup4.com.au or give us a call at 03 9123 0123.

Got a Domain Name you would like to Register / Transfer

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