Security Solutions
Our IT & Security Services offers a wide range of security solutions
From endpoint security to email security

Security is not a product, it is a process.

Secure your Office 365 data NOW!

IT Security Melbourne

IT services are quickly becoming the backbone of modern businesses, enabling organisations to reach unprecedented levels of success. From streamlining operational processes and communication systems to driving customer engagement through digital marketing solutions, IT is essential for staying competitive in today's technological world. With its revolutionary potential comes countless opportunities for business growth.  

With SetUp4, you will have access to reliable expertise in IT security services in Melbourne, which is a top priority when taking advantage of any field. Whether you are a feisty start-up or a multinational enterprise, everyone stands to benefit from efficient, top-quality information technology solutions that can be tailored specifically to your needs. And that's where SetUp4 comes in!

What are IT Security Services?

To keep up with changing regulatory and security standards, you will need an IT team to help identify your needs and develop a customised solution. 

If you are looking for IT security services in Melbourne, SetUp4 is your best bet. We tailor-make a solution that minimises risk across multiple branches of your business.

SetUp4 works by offering a range of tools, such as a managed firewall service, encryption techniques and content filtering services that help protect against malicious attackers who are trying to steal vital information or disrupt operations. With these advanced technologies in place, companies can rest assured knowing their confidential data is secure.

IT security assessment report

IT Security for Microsoft Office 365

Our business Microsoft office 365 IT security features has Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)  that prevents Office 365 email security breaches like data exfiltration, accidental data loss and more.

Two step authentication or Multi-factor authentication (MFA) gives you an additional layer of security to your account. This helps you to confirm your identity before you can access your resources.

Microsoft 365 lets you monitor and control on what users can do with enrolled devices. 

Managed Firewall IT Security

Firewalls are a first line of defence in network security. 

A Managed Firewall service is a network security solution incorporating multiple endpoint including traffic inspection, intrusion and policy enforcement to provide advanced threat protection and intelligence across your network traffic.

Setup4 as an managed firewall service provider improves reliability, increased visibility and control on all your devices.

remote support Australia

IT Security for Content Filtering

Content filtering is the practice of blocking access to web content that may be offensive, inappropriate, or even dangerous.

Keep users off sites that could cause a data breach and protect your business from the legal liability that comes with a data breach.

  • Control inappropriate and illegal content
  • keep your network traffic related to business content
  • Protect against malware, phishing, adware, botnets, and spam

What Are the Benefits of Having IT Security Services?

Remote IT security services allow organisations to take advantage of reliable and comprehensive cybersecurity protections without any on-premise hardware or software. Some benefits include:

  • Comprehensive security assessments to ensure all systems and data remain safe from malware or ransomware threats
  • Regular updates and server monitoring services that provide visibility into potential risks before they become major issues
  • Centralised reporting provides an easily-accessible view of the overall health of your network, as well as cost savings in both time and money versus traditional onsite approaches.

With this type of service in place, your business can additionally opt for round-the-clock monitoring by our dedicated team at SetUp4, who can quickly detect and respond to potential threats before they cause serious damage. 

Having remote IT security is essential to stayi

Impact Prevention

We monitor your data 24*7 and update regularly to secure your data.

Reduce Risk

Protect yourself from expensive Security fines and regulations & focus on your business.

Maximise Uptime

Let us implement strategies that maximise server uptime more than ever before.


We have experience and capacity to maintain and manage your data.

Why us

Our IT Security Helps You Protect Your Business Far More Than Anti Virus

Most businesses believe they have sufficient IT security by simply installing an Anti virus software (Mostly FREE) on their precious servers & computers, however this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Year on year, there has been a marked increase in the need for a capable and robust cyber security setup. This has been emphasised by the COVID-19 pandemic, as more businesses are moving their operations online, the number of avenues for online exploitation increases as well.

As a business, you are considered the one responsible for the security of customers’ information as well as your own and as such, potential data breaches can reflect very poorly in the court of public opinion. By partnering with Setup4, your business can ensure that it’s getting the protection it needs to mitigate any risks associated with data breaches, malware, and other online threats.

Investing in adequate IT security is more than just keeping your information secure, it’s an investment in preserving the reputation that businesses spend so many years trying to create.


Why Should You Outsource IT Security Services?

With an outsourced security provider like SetUp4 on your side, you don’t need to worry about managing or designing these systems yourself; you can trust us to do it for you while you focus on other areas of your business. By investing in an IT security service provider, you’re taking proactive steps necessary to mitigate risk and maintain the integrity of your network environment.

By outsourcing to remote IT security services in Melbourne like SetUp4, businesses will benefit from access to up-to-date expertise and leading technologies that cannot be found in-house.  Supplementing existing staff with experienced outsourced personnel reduces the costs associated with hiring full-time employees and helps businesses stay ahead of other threats relevant to the business. Therefore, outsourcing IT security services is key to fortifying your system against even the most sophisticated cyber attacks.

How to Outsource IT Security Services in Melbourne?

Outsourcing your IT security to SetUp4 gives your business a comprehensive solution for safeguarding its network, systems, and data against potential threats. At SetUp4, we understand the importance of effectively managing digital risks, which is why our services are tailored to meet the exact needs of your business. 

With our team of highly-skilled IT professionals, you can have peace of mind knowing that compliance requirements are met and sensitive information is kept secure. Our security program allows you to focus more time on core operations during daily business hours while we work diligently behind the scenes. In other words, when you outsource your security services to SetUp4, you’ll be free to focus on running the show!

For more information on how to get started, get in touch with our team for a remote support session to review your existing IT infrastructure today!

IT Services FAQs

What Is The Difference Between IT Security & Cyber Security?

IT security and cyber security are very much two sides of the same coin. Both operate under the premise of protecting online users from malicious actors, but they differ in their focus. IT security is more concerned with the systems and devices that make up a network, while cyber security focuses on the data that flows through it. 

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between them. IT security is a broader field that includes all aspects of computing, with an added focus on the systems that store our data and those that interact with it.

This means that when hiring an IT security specialist, the services you’re trying to improve are the interconnected IT systems that are used to operate the business. This means honing in on things like Microsoft 365 and Teams. Ensuring that the correct access and permissions are in place, and that the data is properly encrypted.

Cyber security, on the other hand, is narrower in its focus and is mainly concerned with the data itself. This can include things like passwords, financial information, or personal medical records. The focus is on protecting this data from being accessed or stolen by unauthorised individuals. The distinction between IT security and cyber security is important to understand, as it can help businesses better allocate their resources.

Why Do I Need IT Security?

IT security is the practice of protecting your computer networks and user data from unauthorised access or theft. In today’s digital world, IT security is more important than ever.

With so much of our personal and professional lives taking place online, it’s essential to have systems and procedures in place to keep our information safe. One of the most common IT security risks is data breaches, which can occur when hackers gain access to sensitive information like credit card numbers or social security numbers.

Data breaches can have a devastating impact on both individuals and businesses, so it’s important to take steps to prevent them. IT security measures like firewalls and encryption can help to protect your data from unauthorised access. By implementing IT security practices, you can help to keep your information safe from hackers and other cyber threats.

How Do IT & Cyber Security Professionals Help?

While the two disciplines come under the same umbrella, IT security professionals have slightly different approaches to cyber security professionals. In IT security, the aim is to install preventative measures to mitigate the risk of IT security issues. For example, by installing Microsoft 365 and making use of its security features, we can install greater security into email tracking, two-step authentication and data loss protection. We can also create and maintain the firewall of a business to prevent intrusions into the workplace’s network.

Cyber security, on the other hand, is more concerned with detection and response. In the event that a cyber security attack does occur, it will be the job of the cyber security team to step in and work out what damage has been done and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. 

Get in touch with us at Setup4 to learn more about how we can help keep your data safe.

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