IT Security Solutions

IT Security Risk Assessment

IT Security Assessment for small and mid-market businesses

Our IT Risk Assessment Covers IT Deployment & Setup

IT service assessments are an important step towards ensuring the infrastructure of a business keeps up with the current IT requirements. This kind of service assessment incorporates the review of IT deployment, setup, coverage and performance. Having these assessments done remotely offers additional convenience to businesses. 

By outsourcing your IT service assessment to our team of professionals at Setup4, you are ensuring that your IT needs are being addressed thoroughly and helping to lower your related costs in the long run. This, in turn, mitigates potential risks such as security threats or recurring server downtime. 

Our remote IT service assessments are comprehensive and include a review of your system’s architecture, hardware performance and functionality, software configuration, server utilisation, backup verification and more.

Setup4 has you covered you with our

Comprehensive IT Security Assessment Report

Businesses never tend to take their networking systems for granted. Without right systems you’ll be compromised and could be susceptible to treats from hackers around the globe, thus putting your business at risk.

We will happily provide you with design, deploy and manage solutions from threat detection and prevention to backup and disaster recovery of your business.

​Furthermore, our IT security audit ensures that your business is currently safe from any threats and that your network is running safely.

Let Us Help You With Our Cyber Security Risk Assessments

With us as your technology partners your business should never have to worry about data loss or security breaches. 

We partner with industry leading security vendors which means we will secure your infrastructure by delivering reliable and flexible solutions. 

How Do We Audit Your Company’s Security Infrastructure?

Define the Threats

We scan and list all the threats that could affect your endpoints, email server, cloud server, local IT infrastructure, data and your customers.

Evaluate Security

Next, assess your company’s ability to defend against all the threats. This involves putting your IT systems through a series of tests.

Likelihood of Threats

Take your list of threats and score them on a scale of 1–10 based on how likely they’ll occur and pose a threat to your business IY infrastructure.

Design a defence strategy

The final step is to develop a strategy to address your most probable threats.

For example, if phishing scams are recurring threats, you need a stronger email filtering solutions and more robust security awareness training. Or, if your business is weak against denial-of-service attacks, you should install intrusion prevention systems and monitor your networks 24/7.

The combination of security solutions will vary for each threat, and Setup4 consultants are experts in making the right recommendations to your business and secure your business from costly breaches.

Cyber Security Risk Assessments for Small & Medium Businesses

Setup4 understands how daunting the audits can be, which is why we provide you the through cybersecurity assessment after performing our tests and provide a detailed report on your business security. We cater our services for medium and small businesses across Australia.

We also provide a broad array of security technologies and services to prevent costly breaches. We partner with some of the industry best to provide the best services to our customers.

Don’t wait up and call us today and schedule an IT Security audit.

Security Assessments We Provide

Threat and Risk Assessment

This is where we take a general look at your IT security and determine the threats and risks your business could currently be susceptible to.

Threats and risks not only apply to external factors (hackers, malware, denial of service attacks) but internal factors, too.

Internal factors can include using outdated hardware, not having the latest security updates and patches, or holes in your network security that could allow outsiders to gain access through exploits.

With a holistic view of your susceptibility to common security threats and risks, we can then itemise these vulnerabilities on a scale of 1 to 10 and address each in order of importance.

Standard Gap Risk Assessment

This assesses which measures you have in place to address risks and which measures you still need to implement.

In other words, we identify the gaps between what you’re proactively doing to protect your business’s IT infrastructure and what you still need to do to improve that protection.

For example, while your onsite security could be quite robust, perhaps there are shortfalls when it comes to your remote security.

Cyber Maturity Assessment

A cyber maturity assessment takes a closer look at all of your current security protocols and response strategies, measuring how developed these practices are.

The less mature a practice is, the more room for improvement it has. If a practice is determined as mature, it indicates that you’re managing that component of security to an effective level.

Cyber maturity is often ranked at different levels. One scale that ranks the effectiveness of cyber security processes is as follows:

  • Initial (Level 1): Security processes are informal and reactive.
  • Repeatable (Level 2): Processes are documented and repeatable but may not be fully established.
  • Defined (Level 3): Processes are well-defined, documented, and standardised.
  • Managed (Level 4): Processes are quantitatively managed and measured.
  • Optimised (Level 5): Processes are continuously improved and aligned with strategic goals.

Vulnerability Risk Assessment

While risk assessment places a broader focus on the myriad points of risk that can exist online, vulnerability risk assessment takes a more granular approach. Its focus is on identifying specific vulnerabilities that exist within your business’s network infrastructure.

Why Is It Important to Do IT Security Assessments Regularly?

IT service assessment services are key for understanding your systems are functioning and whether they can be improved. Any manager knows there’s nothing more important than keeping your business running smoothly and securely, and this kind of audit is an important component of ensuring that.

When looking to obtain a security assessment service here in Melbourne, Setup4 has you covered. As experts in remote IT service assessment, we provide a thorough inspection of technological assets within organisations. Doing this helps us to identify discrepancies between existing processes and desired ones, so that our team can coordinate more efficient operations for your business. 

Performing IT service assessments regularly can mean the difference between a system that is wrought with costly issues and having a secure and efficient one – an ideal choice for any business looking to save time and money.

Why Should You Outsource IT Security Assessments?

IT service assessments are essential for maintaining the health and reliability of your systems. By outsourcing service assessment tasks to a remote IT service provider, businesses can save both time and money while obtaining superior expertise that they may not have internally. More organisations are opting for outsourced IT solutions because of the cost savings and lower risk associated with them, among other factors. Some of these include:

  • Streamline the overall assessment process
  • Saves businesses time and resources
  • Allows staff to focus on other tasks
  • Businesses leverage the expertise of specialists
  • Provides oversight and guidance for long-term success
  • Gain quicker access to a wide range of IT solutions
  • Support tackling complicated scenarios


In short, when it comes to identifying, troubleshooting and fixing any IT issues within a business’s system architecture, outsourcing your company’s service assessments is a smart move. Our remote IT service team at Setup4 is here to provide remote IT assessments that are tailored to the individual needs of your business.

Why is a Cyber Security Risk Assessment Important?

The world we live in is one where cyber security risks are at the forefront for most businesses. It doesn’t matter if your business’s operations are handled exclusively online or not. Almost all businesses need to rely on some type of IT network or online functionality to operate.

Failing to have proper cyber security measures in place for your business is the same as riding a motorbike without a helmet. Sure, you could do that if you wanted, but you’re risking far more than you ever should by doing so.

To be adequately protected, you need to assess your risks and any vulnerabilities in your security.

Outsource Your IT Services With Confidence

By not maintaining their IT security infrastructure, businesses put themselves in vulnerable positions to hackers and global threats. At Setup4, our team specialises in deploying and managing solutions from threat detection and prevention to backup and disaster recovery for your business. Our IT security assessment will ensure that your business is safe from any threats, and that your network runs safely.

Our team is fully equipped with a high skill level, the latest technology, updated training, and network security and customer experience knowledge that will reap rewards for your business. Our friendly and intensive approach to IT solutions is client-first. We invest time and research to empower your business’s IT infrastructure and help it thrive through cutting-edge solutions.

There’s no better time to secure your business than the present. For more information on outsourcing your IT security assessment to Setup4, contact us today!

Setup4 is The Right Partner For Your Cyber Security Assessment

Setup4 offers a comprehensive solution for all your IT and cyber security needs. With our range of security assessment services and responsive solutions, we’re your go-to provider for all things IT.

Whether you’re based here in Melbourne or anywhere in Australia, we can provide you with the protection you need.

You can focus on running and growing your business, knowing that all your IT and cyber security needs are taken care of.

Learn more about us or get in touch to start an IT security assessment today.

IT Security Risk Assessment FAQs

Cybersecurity audits comprehensively assess your organisation’s digital landscape, identifying potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your systems and networks. This could include outdated software, unsecured access points, weak passwords, or lack of encryption. 

By identifying these risks early on, you can take proactive measures to strengthen your defences and reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks, data breaches, or system failures. 

Regular IT security assessments ensure that your business remains compliant with these regulations by continually checking that the required controls are in place and effective.  

A cybersecurity risk assessment is a critical part of any organisation’s security strategy. It helps identify potential security threats in several ways:

Risk Assessments Help Evaluate Threats

By evaluating the potential impact of different threats, a risk assessment helps prioritise which vulnerabilities to address first. For example, a weakness that could potentially expose sensitive customer data would be considered higher risk than one that impacts less sensitive information.

Risk Assessments Help Strategise Solutions

Once potential vulnerabilities and threats are identified, the assessment can help develop strategies to mitigate those risks. This could include patching software, strengthening access controls, improving encryption, or enhancing user training.

Risk Assessments Help Develop a Roadmap

By systematically examining your IT environment and the potential threats it faces, a cybersecurity risk assessment provides a roadmap for improving your organisation’s security posture and reducing the risk of a damaging cyber attack.

Frameworks play a crucial role in cybersecurity audits as they provide a structured approach to identifying, managing, and mitigating cybersecurity risks. Here are some key reasons why frameworks are important:


Frameworks provide standardised guidelines and best practices for conducting a thorough and effective cybersecurity audit. This standardisation ensures that audits are comprehensive and consistent and that they cover all critical areas of cybersecurity.

Risk Management 

Frameworks guide organisations in managing cybersecurity risks effectively. They can help businesses identify their most critical assets, assess their vulnerabilities, understand the potential impact of different threats, and prioritise mitigation strategies accordingly.

Regulatory Compliance 

Many cybersecurity frameworks align with regulatory requirements and industry standards. By adhering to these regulations, organisations can ensure they meet their legal obligations and avoid potential penalties.

The frequency of security audits can depend on various factors, such as the size of your organisation, the nature of your business, the sensitivity of your data, and your regulatory environment. However, a generally accepted best practice is to conduct a full cybersecurity audit at least once a year.

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