Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Grow your business faster with a Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution

Manage your business resources and secure hybrid solutions with
Setup4 – Microsoft Azure Service Partner

Explore best practices for business on Azure

Businesses are transitioning from the conventional way of operating IT resources such as performance, productivity and security. 

Microsoft Azure cloud makes it easier for you to adopt and deploy solutions to achieve your business goals.

Setup4 has experienced Azure consultants to build and deliver solutions on Azure Platform. As the direct Microsoft partner, we can help you fully explore the Azure solutions and how it can help your business.

We can help you provide end-to-end solutions for Azure to support your digital transformation. We plan, transform and migrate your applications, and even manage and optimise your IT environment.

microsoft azure

Get Powerful and scalable expert grade Microsoft Azure Solutions

At Setup4, you get the powerful and modern cloud technologies and also reap profits from our best Azure Services

Streamline Process

Streamline your business process and have secure transactions using Blockchains, Bots, API's and Machine learning from Azure cloud Services


Manage and automate your business processes with a wide range of integration of data, apps and systems on Azure logic apps.

Enhanced User Experience

Elevate your business experiences through the development of innovative Azure solutions on web, internet and mobile with rich user experience.

Next Steps

Find out how we can help you get the most from the speed, scalability and economics that Azure provides.

what makes us different

Capabilities to help you get the most from Azure

Azure AI & Machine Learning

Azure offers AI and Machine Learning capabilities that enable developers to create, deploy, and manage intelligent applications.

Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform that enables businesses to process large-scale data sets and gain insights quickly.

Azure Infrastructure

we provide a range of Azure services across business applications. We can also provide a set of software solutions for multi cloud through Azure Marketplace. This infrastructure provides a comprehensive range of cloud computing services that enable businesses to construct and run applications and services on the cloud with ease.

Azure Cloud Security

We have a wide range of solutions built to protect your data, apps and infrastructure on Azure cloud. Worried about your data stored on the Cloud? Azure Cloud Security provides robust security and compliance features to protect data and applications on the cloud, including identity and access management, threat protection, and data encryption.

Azure Migration

We enforce thoughtful planning on moving your digital business to Azure cloud. Our developers make sure a hassle-free migration to enable you to quickly achieve your goals.

Azure Cognitive Services

Cognitive Services uses image processing algorithms, complex information mapping and more to search to address your problems, and with our expertise, you are in safe hands.

Azure Speed

We make sure your business apps achieve a balance between both speed and security with Azure DevOps for faster delivery of codes. We can help you apply reconfigurations whenever required. Azure Speed provides fast and reliable performance for applications and services on the cloud, with low latency and high throughput, enabling businesses to deliver a seamless user experience.


Cognitive Services uses image processing algorithms, complex information mapping and more to search to address your problems, and with our expertise, you are in safe hands.

cloud computing services

What are Cloud Services & Microsoft Azure?

Cloud services refer to the delivery of computing resources, such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and analytics over the internet, enabling users to access and use these resources on-demand and as needed. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and one of the top cloud service providers, providing a comprehensive set of services for developing, deploying, and managing applications and services. It’s everything business owners have ever wanted!

Azure services include infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), as well as other services such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Azure also provides a range of tools and frameworks for developers to build, test, and deploy applications across different platforms and devices.


Setup4 offers a range of services to help optimise the Microsoft Azure cloud services for businesses. We understand the complexities associated with managing cloud environments, so we provide our customers with the resources and guidance needed to ensure their applications are running smoothly in production. Our team of experts will work hard to ensure your experience is as smooth as possible.

our services

How a Business Can Use Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a powerful platform for building, deploying, and managing applications in the cloud. Businesses can use Azure to do a wide range of things, including

Big Data and Analytics

Azure provides data analytics and machine learning services that allow businesses to analyse and gain insights from large data sets.

Virtual Machines

Azure offers IaaS solutions that allow businesses to deploy virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud, providing scalable computing resources that can be easily managed and optimised.

Web Application

Azure provides PaaS solutions that enable businesses to build, deploy, and manage web applications and services on the cloud.

Cloud Storage

Azure provides scalable and secure cloud storage solutions that enable businesses to store and manage data on the cloud, reducing the need for on-premises storage.


Azure offers IoT solutions that enable businesses to connect, monitor and manage IoT devices and service on the cloud.


Azure provides a range of tools and services for developers to build, test and deploy applications across different platforms and devices, enabling businesses to develop and deploy software more efficiently.

How to Get Microsoft Azure Services in Australia?

It’s easier than ever to get Microsoft Azure Services in Australia for your business with the help of Setup4! As a Microsoft partner, we offer a range of Azure services to help businesses leverage the power of the cloud, including cloud storage, virtual machines, web applications, and big data analytics.

At Setup4, we also provide comprehensive support and guidance to help businesses configure and manage their Microsoft Azure cloud services. Simply visit our website, contact our team, and get started with Azure services today to truly transform your business processes and experiences. Get in touch with our customer service team today by emailing us at or calling 03 9123 0123.

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