Managed Cloud Services

More and more businesses are adopting cloud management services to help them manage their IT infrastructure. But what exactly is a managed cloud service and why should you consider using one?

What are Managed Cloud Services?

Any cloud resource or infrastructure belonging to your business that a third party manages can be regarded as a managed cloud service. These services are designed to help you maximise the benefit of your resources while saving you time and money. Your cloud services provider manages the responsibilities of backing up your data, moving your data from one system to another and optimising the use of your cloud services to ensure that your business runs efficiently.

What Are the Benefits of Managed Cloud Services?

If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to make your business more efficient and productive. And if you’re not currently using managed cloud services, you may be missing out on a valuable opportunity.

Here are just a few of the benefits that managed cloud services can offer your business:

Data Protection

Cloud services can save your business from any hardware malfunction or loss of data so that there is minimal downtime in the event of a disaster. By using cloud-based backup services, you can ensure that your data is always safe and accessible, no matter what happens. In the event of an emergency, you can rest assured knowing that your business will continue to run smoothly thanks to your cloud service provider.


Cloud services give you the flexibility to access your data and software from anywhere in the world. For example, if you need to work on a project from home, you can easily access the files you need from your cloud storage account. Or if you’re travelling overseas and need to access a file that’s stored on your company’s server, you can do so with ease.

Additionally, cloud-based software allows you to work on projects with colleagues who are located anywhere in the world. This can be especially helpful for businesses that have employees who are based in different time zones. With cloud-based software, there is no need to worry about scheduling conflicts or working around other people’s availability. You can simply log in and get started whenever it’s convenient for you.

Scales Easily With Your Business

As your company grows, you may find that you need to increase the amount of storage space you’re using or upgrade your software to accommodate additional employees. With managed cloud services, this process is quick and easy. You can simply contact your provider and request for the change to be made. In most cases, this can be done without any downtime or interruption to your business operations.

This scalability is one of the major benefits of using managed cloud services. As your company grows, your provider can adjust your service plan to meet your changing needs. This means that you never have to worry about outgrowing your cloud services or needing to switch providers as your business expands.

Save Money

Businesses that use managed cloud services can save money on both capital and operational expenses. For example, by using cloud based backup services, businesses can avoid the costs of purchasing and maintaining their own backup hardware and software. Additionally, businesses that use cloud-based software can save money on IT staffing costs. Because cloud-based software can be accessed from anywhere in the world, businesses no longer need to employ in-house IT staff. This makes it possible for businesses to have a global presence without having to incur the associated costs.

Setup4 is an official Microsoft cloud services provider in Melbourne. If you’re interested in learning more about how managed cloud services could benefit your business, please contact us today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and discuss how we can help improve your bottom line.
